Aparthotels An der Frauenkirche/ Aparthotel Münzgasse i Dresden

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandAparthotels An der Frauenkirche/ Aparthotel Münzgasse



🕗 åbningstider

10, Münzgasse, 01067, Dresden, Dresden, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 351 4381111
internet side: www.aparthotels-frauenkirche.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.0526807, Longitude: 13.7414793

kommentar 5

  • Fei Xia

    Fei Xia


    Fantastic location, walking distance to most attractions in the old town, and very easy to cross to the opposite bank for great views back. Friendly and efficient service. It's a apartment hotel so limited house keeping. The ambience is more or less old Eastern bloc. Large room size, reasonable facilities, high ceilings, low noise. If you do self-catering, Lidl is within easy walking distance. No oven, hob and microwave only.

  • en

    Michaela K


    Absolutely perfect accommodation that matched the idea. Already I recommended to friends. beautiful room great breakfast friendly staff perfect location right on the square

  • en

    Junji Suzuki


    Clean room, enough facility. The best location for sight seeing, though my trip was for business. Room rate was quite reasonable. Reception opens longer than some other apart-hotels.

  • Michael Tseng

    Michael Tseng


    Excellent location as it's a short walk to most sites. Large and comfortable rooms although the bathrooms could use a bit of updating (feels a bit too sterile).

  • Aileen Tang

    Aileen Tang


    Great location. A bit noisy at times. We originally booked a room for 2 people for a great rate. When we added a last minute guest. The rate for that one person for that one night was almost there full price of the room. 😱

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