Anne Nöbel i Troisdorf

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandAnne Nöbel



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96, Sieglarer Straße, 53842, Troisdorf, Köln, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 2241 400999
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Latitude: 50.8107678, Longitude: 7.140655

kommentar 5

  • Alexander Hein

    Alexander Hein


    Very professional and nice, just super super nice practice. I haven't seen anything so nice and fast in a long time Just great, keep it up.

  • Kate “Kate the Madhatter”

    Kate “Kate the Madhatter”


    Was there for the first time last week, and today for the second time. Everyone there is super nice and friendly and the doctor is great. I'm someone who has anxiety, but I had no problem both times.

  • Ludwig Falkenbach

    Ludwig Falkenbach


    The best dentist I know. Always in a good mood and friendly. Very nice staff. I can recommend the practice without hesitation.

  • Corinna Morlock

    Corinna Morlock


    A super nice doctor with character and a great staff. I couldn't imagine a better dentist. Thanks for your attention For everyone else, my whole family goes to her and it's not small...everyone is super happy

  • Chrizz Mizz Banana

    Chrizz Mizz Banana


    A very, very good dentist who completely took away my fears as a former anxious patient. You don't even feel the injections. The treatments were painless, and even as an emergency patient I was treated straight away. Called and was told to wait, but I didn't wait 10 minutes. What I also think is very good is that she has modernized her practice. You definitely feel very comfortable there. I can only recommend her to everyone!! I'll never change dentists again!!

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