Änderungsschneiderei i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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12, Leipziger Platz, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 20609099
internet side: www.aenderungsschneiderei-berlin-mitte.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5104531, Longitude: 13.3809811

kommentar 5

  • L. Githiga

    L. Githiga


    Do yourself a favour and avoid this Schneiderei!

  • Natalie Natalie

    Natalie Natalie


    I've been coming to this seamstress for about three years. The lady there is very nice and friendly, she did all my work perfectly every time. I am very happy:). a place to go as a continuation.

  • abdulla al harbi

    abdulla al harbi


    Avoid it, bad work quality and expensive and also miscalculated many times in very high sums of money when confronted they were unfriendly as well, i returned the Same jacket 3 times for them to fix their own work with no use

  • Lucy Lee

    Lucy Lee


    Very unfriendly, really bad service! To make matters worse, the woman working there kept yelling at a costumer to get out. Why? Because she brough her toddler inside

  • Ryan



    AVOID/Vermeidet! They lost six of my shirts and gave me multiple excuses for what happened (often showing frustration with me...also, incredibly un-proactive). Finally, they half-admitted they gave all six shirts to the wrong customer. After six months of hoping that that customer would come back (?) they finally discussed the insurance claims process; I got very little money for the lost shirts. Die Schneiderei ist zu vermeiden.

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