Altstadtklinik Hattingen GmbH i Hattingen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandAltstadtklinik Hattingen GmbH



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41, Große Weilstraße, 45525, Hattingen, Arnsberg, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 2324 683340
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.3969447, Longitude: 7.1832554

kommentar 5

  • Jonas B.

    Jonas B.


    A very nice team and very competent doctors! You meet at eye level and feel that you are in very good hands!

  • Fabian Saur

    Fabian Saur


    As a fearful patient, I am very satisfied! I felt that I was in good hands, everything was explained to me precisely and above all calmly (!) And there are really nice people who work here who take time for you. The anesthetist is also a very nice, competent and humorous person who was able to take away a little of the excitement on the day of my operation. :) What I particularly liked: The waiting room looks more like a "café" with cozy seating niches and calm colors, a perfect place to relax before a treatment :)

  • Ma Ha

    Ma Ha


    All doctors and employees are so kind to you and willing that you feel that you are in good hands - starting with the ladies at the registration, to waking up after the operation, etc. The removal of my 4 wisdom teeth went without any complications. If I need an MKG again, I definitely know where I'm going. Thanks to the team :)

  • Angelina Nowag

    Angelina Nowag


    I got all 4 wisdom teeth out and I have to say that I am super satisfied. The doctors and the team were very nice. I can only recommend it.

  • Vera Schmitte

    Vera Schmitte


    Was here for extration in early July 2021 and can only warmly recommend this practice. Very nice and friendly team. Dr. Dr. Jansen explained everything to me very well and clearly beforehand. Everyone was very empathetic, the anesthetic injection was barely noticeable and painless, as was the extraction of the two teeth. I can only recommend this practice to everyone.

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