AHORN Panorama Hotel Oberhof i Oberhof

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandAHORN Panorama Hotel Oberhof


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29, Theo-Neubauer-Straße, 98559, Oberhof, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 36842 500
internet side: www.ahorn-hotels.de
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Latitude: 50.7120641, Longitude: 10.7229003

kommentar 5

  • So Go

    So Go


    The hotel is run down. The onky good thing about it is the breakfast. The amount you have to pay for parking is crazy. The customer service is lacking, the water pressure is non-existent, and the shower water comes out in a trickle. Our room had carpet beetles (Yuck!) and smelled like poopoo diapers and your room will not be cleaned when housekeeping comes they will not change the sheets they only replace towels, they will not vacuum, change out the drinking glasses, or wipe anything down. The pool is small and childrens play area is terrible, the kids get bored because there is not much to play on for the kids, the electric cars do not work and you will not get your money back so too bad don't even ask, and the people who work there are so very very rude. They also charge you to enter to just sit there, so if grandparents just want to come along to watch the grand kids, they will be charged to sit there. This hotel is not worth staying at and we will not stay there again.

  • Тамара Львовна

    Тамара Львовна


    We stayed at the hotel during the Biathlon World Cup. Comfortable rooms, balanced and delicious food in the restaurant, the room was cleaned daily. I liked that there is a gym, sauna, swimming pool. After the competition, it was convenient to recover in bad weather. Special thanks to the employee at the reception, Muhammad. A friendly person, helped with any questions. I hope next year we will stay in this hotel again

  • Magdalena Dziedzic

    Magdalena Dziedzic


    In general, the stay was successful. The staff speaks little English. There was one incident at a children's attraction. The animator couldn't take control. Parents and grandparents took over and as a result my children were made to cry three times. It was sad.

  • sift samra

    sift samra


    Bad experience. Room was not clean Totally bad experience at all Housekeeping staff and reception staff is not that helpful No one is giving us good response. Seriously staff should be taught the way how to talk to people. I hope you would take care of that for next time

  • Lorraine Rasche

    Lorraine Rasche


    We're at the hotel for 3 nights and although very busy (a long line waiting for breakfast) it's all very well organised. The staff are helpful and friendly. This is our fourth or fifth visit and I would definitely recommend it, especially for families.

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