AHORN Hotel Am Fichtelberg i Oberwiesenthal

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandAHORN Hotel Am Fichtelberg


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40, Karlsbader Straße, 09484, Oberwiesenthal, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 37348 170
internet side: www.ahorn-hotels.de
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Latitude: 50.4193115, Longitude: 12.9630456

kommentar 5

  • Theo S

    Theo S


    It wasn't very clean at all and the door of my shower fell apart. Also the spoons are weird and don't feel nice in the hands.

  • Patricia Smink

    Patricia Smink


    This is not a real nice hotel. The employees are very unfriendly and not suited to be in te hospitable business. Especially the people working at the reception and activity desk. The rooms are not very clean, and very noisy. If you ask for toiletpaper for your room because you dont have any, they just say no.the toilets keep running and the rooms are not being cleaned. Better stay somewhere else if you want to stay in your holiday spirit.

  • S M

    S M


    Excellent ...but only if you speak German. Very few staff speak English which is a bummer as the place has so much to offer. From family activities to the stunning view, there's plenty to do inside or outside regardless of the weather!

  • Petra V. BC, Canada

    Petra V. BC, Canada


    not recommended! Very worn out hotel, still has old fashion ambient. But great view. (that's why two stars)

  • Christopher Pearson

    Christopher Pearson


    Well so only bad experiences. Arrived early asked about checking in only got 3 fingers meant wait 3 hrs? Asked about food as near lunchtime told bar or restaurant. Bar only appeared to have drinks but no one present to ask. Went to restaurant cleaning staff only not opened until supper. I was riding a motorcycle on a wet day other hotels offer luggage storage place to hang wet gear or early check in Not the Ahorn. No mention of a town with cafes etc only 1km away.

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