ACC Computer + Telefon i Usingen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandACC Computer + Telefon



🕗 åbningstider

18b, Bahnhofstraße, 61250, Usingen, Darmstadt, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 6081 687900
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.3327722, Longitude: 8.5308601

kommentar 5

  • Jowita Kubas

    Jowita Kubas


    Thank you for the great advertising and cooperation ❤️

  • Jens Kapp

    Jens Kapp


    Great store. The staff is super nice and you can get help with any problems. I can only recommend this store to everyone. Processing times for orders are very quick and the quality and quantity are also right.

  • O O

    O O


    I wanted to hand in an S package. AFTER the stamp I bought online had already been canceled, I was told that my package was a few millimeters too big and that I would have to pay more. I then wanted to give the package somewhere else where it would definitely have passed as an S package. It didn't work anymore because the nice lady had already glued it in and stuck it on... You could have said it beforehand.

  • Cheng Guo

    Cheng Guo


    Great electronic store with excellent installation service. Staff is very friendly.

  • Mark Baubkus

    Mark Baubkus


    Not bad . If you have a problem or looking for new .

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