25hours Hotel The Goldman i Frankfurt am Main

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Tyskland25hours Hotel The Goldman



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127, Hanauer Landstraße, 60314, Frankfurt am Main, Darmstadt, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 69 40586890
internet side: www.25hours-hotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.1119375, Longitude: 8.7127613

kommentar 5

  • Natalie Warren

    Natalie Warren


    Actually really nice quality for the price you pay! They have little kitchenettes with stovetops and microwaves/sinks which I think should be standard in ALL hotels! Clean and nice TVs too.

  • Sevinc Bilgin

    Sevinc Bilgin


    I loved this hotel!! So stylish and so refreshing as a lot of hotels look just the same. The rooms are super nice and I am already looking forward to my next stay😊

  • Safi Na

    Safi Na


    PROS: very exquisite and unique, great taste and individuality in decorating. The soap used in the rooms smells FANTASTIC. CONS: Breakfast buffet is very basic and way overpriced

  • Emily Wolfe

    Emily Wolfe


    I planned an event here for my company in September. The staff was incredibly helpful, and the event space was lovely. The team there is professional, prompt, and courteous. I would recommend hosting events/staying here, and will certainly plan future events here as well.

  • en

    Eric Z


    Check-in was good. Room is nice. Had an issue where the key card wasn't working and I was locked out of my room. Took them over an hour before I could get into my room. Seems kind of ridiculous there is no manual override for their electronic battery powered locks. Breakfast buffet extremely average for 18 euros. Consisted of a bunch of bread, a couple types of pastries, some fruit, and oatmeal.

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