25 Jahre Oralchirurgie Dr. Stephan Kraus i Oberursel (Taunus)

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Tyskland25 Jahre Oralchirurgie Dr. Stephan Kraus



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59, Feldbergstraße, 61440, Oberursel (Taunus), Darmstadt, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 6171 587071
internet side: www.dr-kraus.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.2046246, Longitude: 8.5803549

kommentar 5

  • Doris Falk

    Doris Falk


    I can recommend Dr. I can only recommend Kraus without reservation. He has been working with my dentist for years and has placed several implants for me. The procedure was completely uneventful, there was a close follow-up and I always felt well looked after. You notice Dr. Simply use his many years of experience. The entire practice team was also very friendly and professional.

  • Tobi



    I got an appointment very promptly; I absolutely had to have a wisdom tooth pulled. Although I initially had an appointment purely for an examination, Dr. Pull out the problem tooth on the same day so that it couldn't cause any more problems :) This tooth was extracted very routinely and very quickly, completely without pain. Unfortunately, because of my fear, I fidgeted a little, but the team remained very calm and very friendly to me. An absolute recommendation for anxious patients. All the employees are super professional and very friendly. Thank you for the great experience :) Addendum for 02/22/24 So unfortunately two more teeth had to be extracted and I had a slightly later appointment because I didn't have any complications at that point. Of course the worst case scenario had to happen and my jaw became very inflamed. I got in touch at the beginning of the week and Ms. Kraus tried very hard to get an appointment as soon as possible. Later in the day someone canceled their appointment in good time and was able to take it. I absolutely cannot understand the 1 star reviews from some people. For me it was also the case that my head said, because of my great fear, that you must now feel pain despite sufficient anesthesia. Dr. Kraus recognized the problem very well and gave me a stronger painkiller and told my head to think of something nice :) Afterwards I had absolutely no pain and the treatment went smoothly. He always remained very friendly and experienced. I wouldn't recommend him if I didn't trust him. So don't be put off by the bad reviews. He is an absolute professional and has my 100% trust.

  • Flip Diefliege

    Flip Diefliege


    I heard from Dr. Kraus got a 3D printed grinding splint and I am very happy with it. The splint fits perfectly and the scan of my teeth required was very pleasant compared to the normal alginate impressions. All in all highly recommended!

  • U. M.

    U. M.


    Dr. Kraus has mastered his craft. However, he is very rough in treatment and lacks empathy and communication skills. Because this is important to me, I had the treatment continued by another implantologist.

  • D G

    D G


    Dr. Kraus took on very competent holiday representation. Although he is not my dentist, he took care of the matter very quickly and in a trustworthy manner. I was there because of pain and he found the cause and treated it. I was very satisfied with the treatment and can recommend the practice after my brief insight.

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