Wohnmobil Oase Berlin-Gesundbrunnen i Berlin

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TysklandWohnmobil Oase Berlin-Gesundbrunnen



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4, Hochstraße, 13357, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 175 2466247
internet side: wohnmobiloase.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5487753, Longitude: 13.3832424

kommentar 5

  • Goyo Pampliega Rodriguez

    Goyo Pampliega Rodriguez


    I love the mood of the place. Very kind staff. Next to Sbahn/Ubahn station. The only little issue was not to have the toilets open 24 hrs and no shower possible. The rest great

  • P E

    P E


    Pay attention ! If you want to spoil your holiday fun, go to this motorhome place! Never experienced such unfriendly staff. Very dirty sanitary (especially the disposal of a chemical toilet 🤮). Strange guys in the night at the camper place and the final bill was considerably higher. We paid appr 59 Euro per night for our 7m camper. She ( owner ) then refers there a document with AGB conditions ... my advice! Avoid this place.

  • Kyle Devey

    Kyle Devey


    Decent camp site for your camper, friendly staff. Limited place and toilet or showers, but overall good. Close to a big mall and the metro, also nice flaktower to see close by.

  • Greta Lundin Nilsson

    Greta Lundin Nilsson


    I've never experienced something like this before. First of all the toilets and showers were defintly not hygientic and so not worth the money. (Well the whole camping was also not worth the money either the time) I do have pics of it of somebody want's to see. Second of all, the service at this camping. The woman in charge that you expect should be the most reasonable person is complitly impossible. She can't take critic, she yells at costumers and for some reason she got very angry at me and my family. One day when we got out of the camping she cut off our electric (that we paid for) so all our food was ruined. When we confronted her she panicted and forced us to talk to another man. She even charged us for more money then we should've paid for. Because on the site it stood the price and we screenshoted that, she simply changed the price after we talked to her. And that we do have evidence on. I sincerely hope that she gets the help that she needs. Because this woman must have some kind of mental illness. This experienced ruined my weekend. I 100% do NOT recommend this camping.

  • Dominic Watts

    Dominic Watts


    This place is excellent. The location is perfect and the facilities are exactly what you need. The pricing is fair and reasonable for the centre of a major capital city. The owner is very friendly and helpful.

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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