Dürings campsite Am Tonsee i Groß Köris

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandDürings campsite Am Tonsee



🕗 åbningstider

15, Am Hang, 15746, Groß Köris, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 33766 41595
internet side: www.tonsee-düring.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.16082, Longitude: 13.687815

kommentar 5

  • Marie Born

    Marie Born


    Nice place, just very sandy. Owner is nice. Plumbing is really gross. It stinks and is dirty. Pity!

  • Maratoh



    The landscape is very beautiful, the Tonsee is a beautiful body of water that is only overrun on midsummer weekends. Unfortunately, the operators are very dismissive and unfriendly seniors. You don't like strangers, as a guest you get to hear from time to time. The equipment is also very simple, investing as much as is absolutely unavoidable. The operators apparently have no interest in any innovations. WLAN - they do not want. Modern sanitary facilities - the existing ones do it too. If the numerous long-term campers who love the great surroundings weren't treated in a rude way, but certainly not going so fast, the place would certainly be at the end. Too bad.

  • Alpha Omega

    Alpha Omega



  • Zlatko Stamatov

    Zlatko Stamatov


    Nice place, great location. However, I was there 3 night, with a tent an every night there was loud music until 03:00 am. The sanitary facilities are not the best. Having a beach was a big plus.

  • Lapjaz



    There's an excellent lake with a cozy nudist beach, but it's too regulated with signboards and charges. Makes me feel unwelcome.

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