Walter Gödicke i Erlangen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandWalter Gödicke



🕗 åbningstider

61A, Lange Zeile, 91054, Erlangen, Mittelfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9131 52453
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.6009928, Longitude: 11.039593

kommentar 5

  • Karin Müller

    Karin Müller


    Einfach spitze...super nett und zuvorkommend.....seit Jahren mein lotto Geschäft..beide Chefs sind total super..und immer gut drauf...

  • Michael H.

    Michael H.


    Super store. Very nice and helpful staff

  • Marc Schmitz

    Marc Schmitz


    Rarely seen such an incompetent shopkeeper when it comes to DHL. Once he said it was franked incorrectly, DHL Spardorf accepted the package. Once he says that the QR code has already been printed out several times (how about without a printer? That's what the QR code is for), Spardorf DHL was able to scan it without any problems. If you ask what you should do now, because the package has already been paid for, you hear "complain to the post office". He IS the post, he seems to have forgotten. Eternal waiting time, incompetent statements and shrugs. This is what the Lord is known for.

  • Sam B.

    Sam B.


    Good range and very nice employees 👍🏼

  • dietmar dommick

    dietmar dommick


    very good service

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