VanMoof i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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42, Torstraße, 10119, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 31199149
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Latitude: 52.5284696, Longitude: 13.4109442

kommentar 5

  • Arian Rassoul

    Arian Rassoul


    incredible service and location edit 210130 have to retract that. after repair was done and bike was ‚good to go‘ nothing worked. even the light failed. got my bike back more broke than before :( they even let me pay for the ‚fix‘ during guarantee! totally didnt expect that edit 210201 battery wasnt charged whod expect that from a battery powered bike

  • Oscar



    I have absolutely loved riding my S2 for about a year now, but when my rear tyre got flat the other day and I called to get it fixed I was told to wait for weeks for the next appointment. You'd expect that a bike for 3,400€ comes with a better service than this. If this won't change in the future, then I will buy my next e-bike elsewhere.

  • Zhivago Holwijn

    Zhivago Holwijn


    Great multilingual customer service. Same day pickup after quick e-mail replies. The new app was explained to me and I was hyped to go and actually use it.

  • LevelUp English

    LevelUp English


    Beautiful bikes, great service and I could even do a testride without an appointment.

  • Florian Hübner

    Florian Hübner


    They have a new bike, called to find out if they have it in store. They don't. Apparently, business is going so well that the guy on the phone seemed almost annoyed how I could even ask about it - as it says online that I have to wait until August. Okay, will get another bike then, I guess.

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