zweitrad i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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83, Fehrbelliner Straße, 10119, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 24637912
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Latitude: 52.5323081, Longitude: 13.4058554

kommentar 5

  • Unai Garcia (Darth Dev)

    Unai Garcia (Darth Dev)


    Brought my bike with a flat tire and they fixed it in no time. No appointments or long waits, very quick and professional work. Also, very polite guys, highly recommended!!

  • Franziska



    Supernice owner who cares about his customers! I came by the store today to have my bike fixed as I thought I have flat tires. Instead of just taking in the bike and charging me for exchanging the tires, the owner suggested I should just pump it up first, and even helped me out. He was right, I saved money, and will sure come back to this store when I have "real problems" with my bike.

  • Osama Hamza

    Osama Hamza


    Great Place, very helpful and sweet staff, beautiful bicycles. good rate for renting bicycles daily or weekly. I will be back for sure :)

  • Marcel Ackermann

    Marcel Ackermann


    I've been here today for the first time, because the other bike repair nearby (Radkraft) told me that they only had time for fixing my bike a week later. I am highly satisfied as they directly fixed my bike (chain and other small fixes) and managed to do that in one hour, so that I could have it back for lunch time. Staff is very friendly, I'll come back here! :)

  • Donna



    Excellent service, maintenance for my Dutch Batavus bike. Friendly staff, helpful and knowledgeable what more could one want. Full service for the bike was 49,- (they did forget to fix my back light) but bike is like new again. :-)

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