Postfiliale Erlangen 18 i Erlangen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandPostfiliale Erlangen 18



🕗 åbningstider

56, Dorfstraße, 91056, Erlangen, Mittelfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9131 991763
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Latitude: 49.5896359, Longitude: 10.9686898

kommentar 2

  • Justinus Guan

    Justinus Guan


    I think the employee at the post very nice. She looks very relaxed and enjoys dealing with customers. I live here since last year and come here from time to pick up my packages. I often see how she helps the customers. She is completely solution-oriented. The first comment has criticized her because of her words but I find her very patient and she never meant evil.

  • Svetlana Stumpf

    Svetlana Stumpf


    Hello everyone! Unfortunately I have not been served very friendly by a foreign employee in this post office. When she could not immediately find my package with her behind her back, I roughly blamed myself for "confusing" her words because I said it was supposed to be a book, it really was a book, only packed larger than usual. Then once I asked them for a cheapest option for shipping to Austria and got the answer in loud and rough form that I should decide. I would decide if I knew the prices. What is she working for? Only after renewed demand, she has informed in unsatisfied manner the prices. Before that, there were a few unpleasant situations. The people in the service are supposed to serve their customers politely and nicely, and if they do not like their work, then just quit.

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