Zweirad-Center Stadler GmbH i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandZweirad-Center Stadler GmbH



🕗 åbningstider

9, August-Lindemann-Straße, 10247, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 20076250
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5227743, Longitude: 13.4631037

kommentar 5

  • el jay

    el jay


    They sell at cheapish prices .. But internet is cheaper.. Their staff don't know anything and the mechanics are useless.. If you are in a pinch and can't wait for something sent from internet its OK to buy something there but only of you are a DIY person that knows what they need.. Because they won't be of.much help.. And most are a bit snobby

  • Vessela Tzonkova

    Vessela Tzonkova


    Absolutely not helpful staff, except one super kind and helpful man (Hr. Thaedler)! All the others were just standing in small groups talking to each other, but not helping the clients. We tried to approach them for consultancy/recommendation but the answer was short and absolutely incompetent. Disappointment for second time!

  • Ashley Scrace

    Ashley Scrace


    Decent enough selection, ranging from some high end brands to some cheap models I've never heard of (Triumph bicycles that aren't from the 1970s, anyone?) Huge store that is cool to just see. However, the staff are fairly rude. I took a picture of the building (attached) purely to show my dad, who is a keen cyclist. I was promptly shouted at, a minute after I entered the store, and told 'no pictures of the store or products due to security concerns.' Seriously? You're a huge but average shop that seems pretty secure. Don't flatter yourself. So that ruined it for me really, and I am not convinced of the quality of a lot of products here.

  • en

    Guy Dahan


    An friendly workers, went there to fix my bike and the service I got is horrible! Not recommended.

  • en

    Pieterjan Delbecque


    Big assortment for every bike lover. You can find ready-to-go bikes, but also every thing you need for the DIY bike fanatic. Not always the cheapest, but quality bike gear costs some money :) Lots of staff & good opening hours

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