Zahnarzt klinikum Herr Dr. Steffen Buchholz i Erlangen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandZahnarzt klinikum Herr Dr. Steffen Buchholz



🕗 åbningstider

44A, Luitpoldstraße, 91052, Erlangen, Mittelfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9131 97004697
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.5973013, Longitude: 11.0190279

kommentar 5

  • Ingrid Reim

    Ingrid Reim


    I have been a patient here for a long time, and so have my family. In all these years there has been nothing that I could really fault. Competent employees and also friendly, efficient organization. I feel professionally in good hands here, everything is done that is possible. The practice clinic also works professionally. There are dentists on the team who specialize in children.

  • Christian Kraus

    Christian Kraus


    I can only recommend great practice everyone is friendly and helpful keep it up thumbs up.

  • Alexandra Lazar

    Alexandra Lazar


    Doctor Falk is very very good.

  • zara kolagar

    zara kolagar


    ftiendly staff and very professional dentists and surgeons. They are also very helpful if you do not know much German.

  • StroManni



    My dentist referred me to the practice clinic at short notice for further clarification and it was my turn after a short waiting period. The whole team is friendly, works solution-oriented and so my case could be solved and dealt with quickly. For this reason I decided to have my upcoming wisdom tooth operation (everyone had to go out) also performed here. In the preliminary discussion everything was explained in detail and at the surgery appointment everything happened as discussed in advance. The short waiting times are always fascinating for me. I am very satisfied with everything and can only give my recommendation for the team. Thank you, you are all doing a great job!

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