Wohnmobilstellplatz Hugo Junkers i Dessau-Roßlau

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandWohnmobilstellplatz Hugo Junkers



🕗 åbningstider

17, Alte Landebahn, 06846, Dessau-Roßlau, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 340 8991350
internet side: www.flugplatz-dessau.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.8340091, Longitude: 12.1823255

kommentar 5

  • Gunda Jüttner

    Gunda Jüttner


    Very nice, quiet parking space with a view of the sports machine airfield. Can be very windy because there is a lot of open space. Electricity, V + E available. Unfortunately the sanitary facilities are getting old, but everything is there. Unfortunately, there is only one Penny Market in the vicinity. If that's not enough, you should shop beforehand. We liked it and we would go back!

  • Etruscoman



    Nice parking space for transit! You can watch the parachutists take off and land. Supply and disposal incl. We received a huge information package from the flight manager who is also the groundskeeper. Great we'll be back

  • Anita Doepfner

    Anita Doepfner


    Great little nooks and crannies, sanitary clean, in a small marina, in the middle of parked ships and cutters, looks quaint, attracts all kinds of users, whether tents, vowas and mobile homes ... supply and disposal available, nice authentic groundskeeper. We felt good!!

  • Matthias Vering

    Matthias Vering


    Wonderful place with electricity and water and WiFi. Very nice operator. We would love to come back.

  • Horst-Dieter Brockmann

    Horst-Dieter Brockmann


    Simple place that has everything. (Shower, toilet, supply and disposal, electricity) everything incl. Friendly advice on site with maps etc. Directly at the airfield (small machines) Junkers (Ju 52) museum nearby.

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