VW Bad Café an den drei Steinen i Wolfsburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandVW Bad Café an den drei Steinen



🕗 åbningstider

41, Berliner Ring, 38446, Wolfsburg, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 5361 8912727
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.4141499, Longitude: 10.7944229

kommentar 5

  • Doreen Mariuta-Schukat

    Doreen Mariuta-Schukat


    Wanted to go to the outdoor pool. You could only register online, but couldn't. No help from the staff who sat behind their glass on site and was busy with their cell phone. It's a shame

  • Ruby Raya

    Ruby Raya


    Nice place to get some food

  • Andreas Singh

    Andreas Singh



  • Antje Pollok-Giese (Antje PG)

    Antje Pollok-Giese (Antje PG)


    We took advantage of the offer to use half the swimming pool and booked an hour ticket. We'll do that again !! How was a total of four people who used the VW bathroom during this hour. It was absolutely worth it!

  • Tim Bischoff

    Tim Bischoff


    Very nice delivery service, delivery was about 1 hour after order. Food was fresh and ok. Note facility: I could not give my review without rating for the facility, so I rated the facility as "Very Good" without ever being there.

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