super10 haircompany i Berlin

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Tysklandsuper10 haircompany



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Alexa, Grunerstraße 20, 10179 Berlin, Alemania
kontakter telefon: +49 30 27583432
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Latitude: 52.5184429, Longitude: 13.4162121

kommentar 5

  • Camila Santos Matos de Freitas Ribeiro

    Camila Santos Matos de Freitas Ribeiro


    Hair stylists are most of the time talking to each other and not paying attention to what they're doing. Left there today with my hair ruined - guy didn't even manage to cut both sides evenly. He kept asking "what is wrong with your hair? Why does it behave like this?" My hair is straight and no one ever took more than 15 minutes to cut it perfectly - it's not my hair's fault that the guy had no clue of what he was doing. I'm feeling miserable - and all that after an of course super long wait. Won't ever come back to that place and don't recommend it to anyone. Besides, someone (a friend of theirs) left a dog in the hair salon so that she could go and do something in the mall. The dog was left in a little room where it was barking and whining for having been left alone. After a while, probably due to the poor dog's distress, he pooped in that little room, which was not far from the chair where I was sitting - so, while I was there having my hair cut shorter and shorter for the stylist to try to fix his mistakes, I was also smelling dog poop in the air. Really??????

  • Bartelschewitz Diana

    Bartelschewitz Diana


    Absoluter Super-Friseur, sehr gute Beratung, professionell, perfekte Schnitte. Liebe Grüße an Yoschua

  • de

    Elisabeth Panic


    Man kann hier leider keinen Termin machen und muss daher zum Teil lange Wartezeiten in Kauf nehmen. Dafür bin ich mit der Leistung hier immer zufrieden. Ich lasse mir die Haare immer von Jessi färben und schneiden und sie macht einen super Job.

  • Emre



    Kunden werden hier belästigt und beleidigt! Auf Kundenwünsche wurde nicht reagiert stattdessen hat man uns abgewiesen. Es ist eine Unverschämtheit. Nie wieder!

  • Fosforito Paso Peruano

    Fosforito Paso Peruano


    Ganz miserabel! Nur 2 Friseuse, wovon 1 nicht frisieren kann. Obwohl kaum noch Kundschaft da war, musste ich eine 3/4h warten. Die Friseuse machen ständig Pause. Nie wieder!

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