St. John Hospital i Troisdorf

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandSt. John Hospital



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9, Wilhelm-Busch-Straße, 53844, Troisdorf, Köln, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 2241 4880
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.79745, Longitude: 7.11734

kommentar 5

  • Daniel



    On January 4th Our son was born here and we can absolutely recommend this hospital. The doctors, nurses, gynecologist and midwife looked after us very well. We had a family room and the sisters gave us excellent advice and support for the first few days. We would like to thank the entire station 5. :)

  • Thorsten



    I can only confirm the previous reviews!!! Our grandma has been here for two weeks and the conditions are terrible. Sometimes it borders on bodily harm. She wasn't cared for for 5 days and the food was just left in the room. Without support she was unable to look after herself. Any speeches were ignored. With every understanding of the staff shortage, a certain amount of assistance must be guaranteed. We'll have them moved now. Terrible conditions.

  • Mustafa Karayağlı

    Mustafa Karayağlı


    My wife was giving birth here! The stuff speaks English, Turkish and even Russian. The Kreissal stuff are super friendly, helpful and willing to support women. Hebammes are all the time near checking women and baby’s. Also they provide food 3 times per day. The rooms which they provide is for 2 people, there is fridge, wardrobe and sink. There is comfortable parking, it is not expensive. Happy that we choose that hospital to meet our son.

  • Firza Firza

    Firza Firza


    My wife gave birth here. Top hospitality doctors and midwives. Very Recommended..

  • Paulina Rychter

    Paulina Rychter


    Really nice, competent personell, everything done fast.

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