Squash House Berlin i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandSquash House Berlin



🕗 åbningstider

3, Vulkanstraße, 10367, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 5597727
internet side: www.squash-house.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.524413, Longitude: 13.486392

kommentar 5

  • Tomasz Kretek

    Tomasz Kretek


    They are switching off all the lights once you're time is up, so you get hit by the ball immediately. Life threatening. Besides payments by card are only from 20 eur, which is a joke. For the good - there is a nice coeducational sauna place to rest and some beers

  • en

    Fabian Berger


    Nice squash house and quite cheap for students after 10 pm

  • Ralf Bremer

    Ralf Bremer


    Best Squash House on this planet. Thomas and team rock the house.

  • Malcolm Crum

    Malcolm Crum


    The lady behind the counter made fun of my attempt at German. Loved it

  • Manuel Müller

    Manuel Müller


    Very nice place to play squash. I went with my friends which are all foreigners, the service is really trying to help. It is a bit confusing if you visit the first time. You need to pay per person (and a small amount for a racket or shoes or a towel). They will ask you if you need a box (which means a locker), if you want to lock your stuff, take one. It's free but you need something as a deposit - cash will not work... Use your car keys or id card. You pay at the end, the price is okay for what you get. Rating the service is tough, they are really helpful and nice but have the "Berliner Schnauze" which might seem weird and offensive to some people. Long story short - nice place, would play again.

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