Sombrédo Potsdam w Potsdam

NiemcySombrédo Potsdam



🕗 godziny otwarcia

31, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße, 14467, Potsdam, DE Germany
kontakt telefon: +49 331 2011979
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 52.4033533, Longitude: 13.0584153

komentarze 5

  • Olcayto Cengiz

    Olcayto Cengiz


    When I saw the very bad comments about service speed and staff I was hesitant but as a Potsdam local not a tourist, I wanted to give them a chance. Well, wish I didn't. Service speed and order is another level which I have never experienced. 1.Starter came after main dish and when we asked why, waiter stated that we should point out that nachos, which is in the starters part in the menu, that is a starter and we want it upfront. 2.We ordered fajita, they arrived and about after 10 min (literally because at one point i started to count minutes) came the tortilla. 3. Also ordered quesadilla, it came with rice filling which was more of enchiladas. We stated that and waiter cancelled the quesadilla without questioning. 4. When tortillas over we asked for the second part, which we never received and after 25 min cancelled because fajita was already cold. Our waiter was a super kind guy. He was literally doing his best and as we spoke I learnt that he is a temporary outsource from a company to help. Saddest part was, despite being expensive even in Potsdam standarts, the food was good. Not mind blowing but definitely neither bad nor mediocre. Therefore 1 star goes for taste and other one goes to our waiter. Pity.

  • Rohan F

    Rohan F


    It’s a tourist trap. We ordered for bowls and found ourselves eating food you probably just buy from an Aldi supermarket— their food was out of containers. I was so upset, I had an argument with the staff and they were rude. People please don’t go here.

  • Claus Kazmaier

    Claus Kazmaier


    Typical tourist rip-off place. Food is not too bad however way overprized. "Homemade" special Sombredo bread was obviously from a factory bakery - a tiny slice dry baguette ... Won't go again ... Avoid if you can.

  • Eden



    After waiting for 30 minutes they still didn't take my order, so I can't even tell you if the food is good or not... Lucky for them they are located in a premium location, I guess this is the only reason they are still in business. 😡

  • Andre van den Bosch

    Andre van den Bosch


    Food was nice, staff terrible. Said we had to wait 30 minutes on the food but after 60 minutes still nothing there. Wanted to leave but had to pay for the food anyway. Waited and after 5 minutes it was served, the cashier came immediately and said “and NOW you can pay”. Very small portion of chicken, the chili con carne was good. Awe full how arrogant service can ruin your business.

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