Sicherheitstechnik Berlin & Potsdam - Falke Sicherheitstechnik GmbH i Potsdam

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandSicherheitstechnik Berlin & Potsdam - Falke Sicherheitstechnik GmbH



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9, Brandenburger Straße, 14467, Potsdam, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 68915957
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.3997399, Longitude: 13.0503973

kommentar 5

  • Amara Lu Marth

    Amara Lu Marth


    Very competent colleagues, very fair price, everything unproblematic and serious. Hopefully not, but gladly again if necessary! :)

  • Endraus Gürkan

    Endraus Gürkan


    It doesn't get any faster Professionally at the highest level thank you guys

  • Detlef Schmidt

    Detlef Schmidt


    Unfortunately, absolutely incompetent employees, even if some were at least nice. The experts at the Falke company have not managed to imitate a standard body key for a motorhome, despite improvements. Since they offer a WhatsApp contact via their homepage, I tried to contact them again (I'll attach the WhatsApp afterwards) Unfortunately, this was not answered either, which is why I only had anger and a bad mood for 18.90 €, but unfortunately no working key. Here is the unanswered WhatsApp: "Dear Sir or Madam, yesterday we had a set-up key copied for our mobile home in Potsdam. After 3 employees were involved in the discussion about the right blank, a key was made for € 18.90 with the statement that it would not be a problem if it did not fit, we should simply contact us again. Unfortunately we had to do this today because the key didn't even fit in the lock. Today we met a fourth employee who did not tire of "teaching" us to false statements about warranty law, but unfortunately could not offer a suitable solution, since the right blank will only be delivered on Monday and, in his opinion, the customer it is reasonable to wait until then, even if you are passing through. Incidentally, a very unpleasant person who has not heard of service and customer orientation. He then sharpened the faulty key. Unfortunately without success, it still doesn't fit. Although after today's experience with your senior teacher we hardly feel like annoying each other any more, I still believe that you can offer a customer-friendly and satisfactory solution. Waiting for the blank until Monday may not be the right solution, as we are passing through and assumed that a motorhome assembly key would not pose any problems for a specialist company. We would be happy to come back to the store tomorrow if you can offer a solution. Best regards*

  • Corinna Sauer

    Corinna Sauer


    Very nice and competent. Fast processing and good communication. Thank you, gladly again.

  • Izla Demir

    Izla Demir


    great service and price!

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