ROSE Bikes Berlin i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandROSE Bikes Berlin



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90, Lindenstraße, 10969, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 2871 275555
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Latitude: 52.5024397, Longitude: 13.3942959

kommentar 5

  • Kai-Uwe Beyer

    Kai-Uwe Beyer


    Super nice employees, who helped with the handover today and were also able to provide competent information! 😁 Anyone who needs very good bikes at low prices will certainly get great advice here! I will gladly come again!

  • Tim Höppner

    Tim Höppner


    Had an appointment on Tuesdays, after a short hello, we went straight to the bike shop, super competent and passionate. The seller simply has a very good idea of ​​what you need and was able to answer all my questions. He could have sold a more expensive bike but recommended what suits me. Finally an experience where everything was right. I'm looking forward to the bike when it's there. Again and again

  • Gustavo Palacios

    Gustavo Palacios


    Really cool place nice vibe and great and helpful staff

  • Jan Drapatz

    Jan Drapatz


    A really smart shop;) Employees are not pushy, but stay discreetly in the background. I can only agree with the other reviews. It was really time for Rose to come to Berlin. Personally, I think the shop is a bit small because, for example, the Pro SL wasn't there last time. But that can still change;) I'm looking forward to the next time!

  • Matek Bro

    Matek Bro


    After I picked up my bike on August 20th, I unfortunately had problems with it five days later. In response to my criticism, the store contacted me immediately and invited me to find a solution. The staff are always nice and tried very hard to help me (there was also coffee). However, as the store currently has no mechanics, the bike should have been sent in. So I went to a bike shop around the corner and had to reset the gear shift for € 10. I don't want the money back from ROSE either, as I had the opportunity to send the bike in. The store itself is very clean and the employees can't help it if the bike was unfortunately badly assembled in Bocholt. Here, not the Berlin store, but the head office definitely has to make improvements. There is a star trigger for the existing workshop, which unfortunately is not yet occupied. This means that the bikes have to be sent in first and unfortunately cannot be repaired on site.

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