Radiology of the University Hospital Erlangen i Erlangen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandRadiology of the University Hospital Erlangen



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1, Maximiliansplatz, 91054, Erlangen, Mittelfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9131 850
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.6009546, Longitude: 11.0095411

kommentar 5

  • Matthias May

    Matthias May


    Just lovin it

  • Fred Schardt

    Fred Schardt


    Just wanted to pick up a CD of my CT and MRI exams. I said loudly at the counter! "Good day". A thin, black-haired, very young woman turned to me and just looked at me wordlessly. I said (already because of the mask and the disk) my name is ...... ...... I want to pick up a CD. "How was her name?" I repeated a little loud and stretched first and last name. "When were you born?". I gave my date of birth. The young woman typed something on the computer and asked me again "what is your name and year of birth?" Then I got grumpy and said that I've now given my name twice. Then a slender, black-haired middle-aged woman interfered and said "I listened to everything, because of the mask it is very difficult to understand. I just wanted to object that I understood the young woman as well. The older one hit me." let me finish " I said to the "ladies" that I am the patient and that I am being treated like a small child. Do your job and left. During my professional life, I have had a lot to do with callers and public traffic. The first was always that I wrote down the essential data on a piece of paper to avoid the annoying repetition of questions.

  • streichquartett1



    I was treated excellently ... a great team of doctors, including the chief doctor !!!

  • Herta Erlbeck

    Herta Erlbeck


    I would like to thank you for the helpful treatment, the staff are always friendly. The infiltrations help with the pain on the lumbar spine for some time! Thank you dear team and Prof. Janca!

  • Bea D

    Bea D


    Thanks for the super cold, it was freezing cold in the MRI room. The doctor's assistant can not inject, has hurt a lot, then also bled heavily and turned blue. Press for a long time on the puncture site. You can cut off a really big slice of Tennenlohe! No more forest hospital radiology. I can't recommend it! The only thing that was positive, the people at the front desk were very nice.

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