Optical Express - Augen Lasern Berlin i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandOptical Express - Augen Lasern Berlin



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150-152, Friedrichstraße, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 20454546
internet side: www.opticalexpress.de
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Latitude: 52.518452, Longitude: 13.3883197

kommentar 5

  • Thomas Puchert

    Thomas Puchert


    Top advice, always friendly, always available for queries, super experienced team of doctors (Dr. Minko and Dr. vom Felde). I can definitely recommend OpticalExpress and have already done so successfully.

  • Nico Vegas

    Nico Vegas


    Very friendly and attentive staff. Dr. Minko's research was enlightening and reassuring. The surgical procedure was organized very professionally, also very responsive and personal on a human level and the process without any disruptions. I can thank Ms. Highly recommend Minko.

  • Anja Fielauf

    Anja Fielauf


    Very good advice and support right from the start. The operation went quickly and without complications. I am delighted with the result.

  • Sandra Tausch

    Sandra Tausch


    With the entire team from Optical Express Friedrichstr. I'm super satisfied in Berlin. From the initial consultation to aftercare, I always felt well looked after and advised. They take their time, are always friendly and take care of their patients. I am more than satisfied with the result of my Femto-Lasik and would always recommend Optical Express. It is probably good to know that I was originally in another clinic where I did not feel comfortable at all. Thanks to the team for the new attitude towards life :)

  • Katja Schulz

    Katja Schulz


    With Optical Express you have the all-round carefree package. The preliminary examination can be conveniently booked online and you can search for it very quickly. The staff are super friendly and always have an open ear for you. You can call them at any time and ask questions, they always respond nicely and politely. I was very scared of the operation. The treatment was completely painless for me. Dr. Von Felde explained what he was doing and the sister had a very calming effect. All around you feel very well looked after. I would recommend it to everyone.

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