Maritim Hotel Frankfurt i Frankfurt am Main

TysklandMaritim Hotel Frankfurt



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3, Theodor-Heuss-Allee, 60486, Frankfurt am Main, Darmstadt, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 69 75780
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.1130733, Longitude: 8.6492224

kommentar 5

  • en

    Paul Hawes


    Nothing is too much trouble at this hotel. Well positioned for the Mezze area and conferences / exhibitions

  • R G

    R G


    Gorgeous 1990s art deco (wood burl everywhere) immaculately clean carpets, firm but very comfortable bed, nice pool, restaurants offer wonderful atmosphere. Nothing institutional, corporate or generic. Highly unique architecture, materials and finishes.

  • Merrill Chia

    Merrill Chia


    Location of the hotel is alright. Skyline mall is within walking distance. The village is about 15min walk away. Town is reachable by train or half an hour on foot. The rooms itself are comfortable. The pillows are really really thin and have no neck support at all. Call reception for thicker pillows and one which is barely better is provided. Pro tip: Call for 2! The internet is extremely slow. 0.05Mbps. good for YouTube 240p videos only. The room temps are not very adjustable. Water in the shower does not have a very good thermostat. The temperature varies as you shower. floorboards are used and noisy if stompers are above you. Average hotel. But neat and clean. Gym is on the eighth floor with pool and sauna facilities.

  • Gino Eising

    Gino Eising


    Clean rooms and friendly staff but they should invest to keep up. The rooms could use an update. I don't think a four star hotel can get away with calling wifi 'free' and then deliver a bad connection. I had to use mobile data roaming. All my coworkers experienced the same issue. Room service burger was pretty good though!

  • Mohamed Yacine Benomar

    Mohamed Yacine Benomar


    Really good hotel big room and nice people working. The gym is a bit to small and don't have much stuff I am sure they could do better.

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