icono Friseur i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Tysklandicono Friseur



🕗 åbningstider

7, Brunnenstraße, 10119, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 54713227
internet side: friseur-berlin.icono.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5307682, Longitude: 13.4006517

kommentar 5

  • Guevara Namer

    Guevara Namer


    Listen .. they gonna do nice job and the team are very nice but don’t buy any products there, you can find it half price online! 😇

  • patricia vitale

    patricia vitale


    It was the exactly place that I was looking for to have a hair cut. Excellent place, staff and Jana was so nice and pro. Happy to went there.

  • Audrey Warmington

    Audrey Warmington


    When I moved to Berlin I was extremely anxious about finding a new hairdresser and lucky I walked in to this Icono and met Bünyamin! He is always ready to greet you with a smile and make it a relaxing experience, I get both my color and cut done here, highly recommend.

  • Yaprak Gültay

    Yaprak Gültay


    If you are in Berlin and don't know where to get a haircut this is your place! Go to Icono ask for Jana and she is gonna make you look gorgeous. Really friendly service and talented work. I recommend highly.

  • Jörg Leiger

    Jörg Leiger


    I absolutely love this place! Each visit is special, relaxing and I always feel very welcome. Great vibe, location and stylists. I keep getting my hair cut by Bünyamin, as his attention to detail is simply outstanding! Thank you for that and I'm looking forward to my next visit already :)

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