Hotel Burghof i Hof

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHotel Burghof



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53, Bahnhofstraße, 95028, Hof, Oberfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9281 819350
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.3098095, Longitude: 11.9204252

kommentar 5

  • Sander van Vliet

    Sander van Vliet


    The hotel is located close to the train station, but to be honest I never heard any train coming by, so that's an advanced. The check-in goes smoothly and the staff is friendly. The rooms are refurbished some time ago and equipment is comfortable and clean. The rooms are being tidied up every day and the covid rules are strictly followed. The bed is comfortable and there is a small mini bar in the room with drinks and snacks available against a decent price. The WiFi is alright, but only when you have a seat in the hallways and not in the room. The signal is pretty poor and frustrating sometimes. The breakfast is extensive and being served during the week from 06:30 and contains different types of breads, fruits, yoghurt, meats, cheese, coffee and eggs, prepared as you wish. Due to the covid the buffet is closed, so it's being served to the table. So ask what you want and they will bring it. Parking is free in front of the door. Overall a fine experience!

  • Bogika G_Gy

    Bogika G_Gy


    Helpful staff,clean and comfortable rooms,good breakfast although the area around the hotel does not looked too good and the free parking means that you park wherever you find a place on the street.

  • Alexandru Stoica

    Alexandru Stoica


    Very clean, friendly personel, warm and cozy. Recommend!

  • Alexander Sidokhine

    Alexander Sidokhine


    Highly recommended. Clean, spacious bathroom, nice breakfast, caring hosts.

  • ArGo



    Didn't have a pleasant stay here. Had to switch to another hotel within a day. Please pay attention to room amenities. We felt more like an apartment than a hotel.

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