German post office i Waiblingen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandGerman post office



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6, Bildäckerstraße, 71336, Waiblingen, Stuttgart, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 228 4333112
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.8620082, Longitude: 9.3196564

kommentar 5

  • Regina Gegner

    Regina Gegner


    Class the lady at the counter explained what steps are expected of me. So my first experience in the Post ID process was completed without any hurdles. Come by when there is more mail to be sent.

  • Gülperi Aksüt

    Gülperi Aksüt


    Our post office in Hohenacker is very good ... Not just post, but much more ... Always great advice if you don't know what to do next.

  • Timo Gobert

    Timo Gobert


    Top Service

  • Fly Robin

    Fly Robin


    The colleague "Harry Future" probably had a bad day :-) This post office is far and wide the only one that works well. Many thanks for the good service! And the dog ..... he only barks at people he doesn't like. Work on your future, Harry :-)

  • Elvira Hörmann

    Elvira Hörmann


    You are always served in a friendly manner, even if you arrive shortly before 6 p.m. and the agency is actually closed at 6 p.m. Service is lived here! A small range of stationery is also available, as well as newspapers and tobacco products.

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