Flowers Art & Design i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandFlowers Art & Design



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55-58, Kronenstraße, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 20076118
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Latitude: 52.5114581, Longitude: 13.3907497

kommentar 5

  • Matthew Adoga-Odeh

    Matthew Adoga-Odeh


    I can't stress how great the service is. I have ordered from here twice while being in London (both fairly short notice orders) and the service delivered seriously exceeded my presentation. I found them via Instagram and contacted them there; the response was prompt and the flowers were beautiful each time. If you need beautiful flowers in Berlin, this is place to go. Thank you again!!!

  • Melanie Scibilia

    Melanie Scibilia


    The bouquet I ordered was gorgeous! I was able to place my order over Instagram and they were so kind and accommodating, especially since I ordered from the U.S. Also, Olga at Flowers Art & Design was extremely helpful in turning my ideas into the perfect bouquet! The pricing was reasonable and the method of placing the payment was easy! Overall, I had a fabulous experience and would absolutely order again from this wonderful business!

  • Kofi Klutse

    Kofi Klutse


    Top advice with passion and friendliness! In addition, the prices are very fair for the location! Thumbs up 👍🏽

  • Igor Zarva

    Igor Zarva


    Definitely the florist I trust. There are no run-of-the-mill bouquets here, but individual advice and a result with that certain something that inspires again and again!

  • Daria Pisareva

    Daria Pisareva


    I bought some tulips to my friend. The flower boutique owner happened to speak Russian as well as German and English. She recommended to add some eucalyptus which made the bouquet outstanding. She packed it in a craft paper protecting the flowers from wind and rain. She recommended how to maintain them. Beautiful person as well as her flower boutique! Highly recommend 🌺🌼🌸🌻

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