Deutsche Post i Dinslaken

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandDeutsche Post



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250, Sterkrader Straße, 46539, Dinslaken, Düsseldorf, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 228 4333112
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.5606113, Longitude: 6.7646473

kommentar 5

  • Saibot Neksüh

    Saibot Neksüh


    very unfriendly old men

  • Kla Slu

    Kla Slu


    This agency is run by a private person. Therefore they have nothing to do with delivery, nor is it a "public institution". This private citizen does not have the right to employ "civil servants" and he has nothing to do with the stamp machine. But it is chic to complain about the post and to bring your regular table knowledge to the man.

  • Franz Schaaf

    Franz Schaaf


    When will mail actually be delivered again in Dinslaken? Not seen from the post office for almost 2 weeks. We also have to work in bad weather.

  • J. Muth ug

    J. Muth ug


    Always friendly and helpful, you have to accept small waiting times from time to time, especially in today's Corona time. Keep it up, great team

  • Alejandro Hidalko

    Alejandro Hidalko


    Sometimes everything goes quickly and you are served friendly, other times there are long waiting times and you are treated roughly.

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