Der kleine Buchladen im Karl-Liebknecht-Haus i Berlin

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TysklandDer kleine Buchladen im Karl-Liebknecht-Haus



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14-16, Weydingerstraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 24724683
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Latitude: 52.5265357, Longitude: 13.4130711

kommentar 5

  • Irina Mahlow

    Irina Mahlow


    Small but mighty. You can find really great books here.

  • Michael Buchholz

    Michael Buchholz


    A small socialist bookshop in the heart of the capital of the GDR, nice colleagues and good advice!

  • Nyhm 95

    Nyhm 95


    I'm not a Berliner, but I have come several times as a tourist to enjoy this particular bookstore. The biggest feature is probably that she shares the building with the party headquarters of the party DIE LINKE and sits in the Karl Liebknecht house. - There is a wide selection of socialist and progressive literature. - There is also a wide selection of left newspapers and magazines. - The staff is super friendly, helpful and opinionated. At the next opportunity I will come back to browsing!

  • I Ammon

    I Ammon


    Here are the experts. Very dedicated, flexible, always ready to listen, always up to date. - They also make it possible to fulfill "special requests". There are also a few antique books here. The shop is however quite small and the assortment focus is left-politically and ostalgisch aligned.

  • Juan Pujó

    Juan Pujó


    Excellent bookstore specializing in Russian, German, GDR history and great philosophers. Fully recommended if you are looking for this. Is unmissable

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