Curry & More Berlin i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandCurry & More Berlin



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5, Grunerstraße, 10179, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5188858, Longitude: 13.4109428

kommentar 5

  • D. Thonke

    D. Thonke


    Insider tip! Men's plate! We Berliners are demanding when it comes to currywurst, everything is knorked :-) Friendly and individual service, a great curry sauce, great sausage and ..... I have been a regular customer here for many years and it will stay that way.

  • Itay Sharmigin

    Itay Sharmigin


    This place is just amazing. Your real Currywurst. I usually go to Berlin once a year and always staying in hotel near Alexanderplatz. This place is always the first place I go after I check in to the hotel. Very much recommended!

  • Sejr



    I ate currywurst in many places, but this one is by far the best. Sauce is great, fries are great. You just have to stop by here for a good experience!

  • Ben P.

    Ben P.


    The absolute best snack with the best selection I know. Everything fresh, best sauce made there and clean. Absolutely perfect and always happy. Regular customer! In addition, also fair and honest prices.

  • Sabina Bor

    Sabina Bor


    Every time I am in Berlin I only eat my currywurst here. The best snack I've ever tried. Top selection of dishes. Very very tasty. Everything clean and tidy. You can taste that everything is freshly prepared. I can only recommend it to everyone. Keep it up and I'm looking forward to my next visit to Berlin.

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