Cotidiano Gärtnerplatz w München

NiemcyCotidiano Gärtnerplatz



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6, Gärtnerplatz, 80469, München, Oberbayern, DE Germany
kontakt telefon: +49 89 215436360
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 48.132106, Longitude: 11.575742

komentarze 5

  • en

    Renee Pun


    Great place for lunch and brunch. Good food with good vegetarian options. Reasonably priced. Had Orient express salad which was tasty. Service was good. Nice decor and atmosphere. Good for families and friends.

  • Kat Lee

    Kat Lee


    I think this is a good brunch place, it must be because having a snack or dinner here is really disappointing... the platters are pretty simple, low quality type food and not a great effort put into display. The sandwiches were also not great and rather something you could get at a “to go” place. The only redeeming meal was possibly the Flamkuchen, which was fine - but nothing special. Overall I wouldn’t recommend the food. The drinks were good and the location is pretty great - which is the biggest plus. Overall, good drinks but not very good food in a great location.

  • Margarita Mundina

    Margarita Mundina


    A friend of mine and I came there on a cold Sunday. The place was fully packed and there was a waiting line stretched outside. Since we weren't in a rush we decided to stay and wait. Surprisingly it didn't take too long, in 20-30 minutes we were sitting at the table, although in front of us were about 20 people already waiting when joined the waiting line. The food was served very quickly and it was fresh and delicious. Will for sure come back some other time.

  • Crystal Kmck

    Crystal Kmck


    The later in the morning you come, the longer you should expect to wait. Luckily the weather was fair so tables outside were also available and they were giving out complimentary Prosecco as we hit 40 min wait time. So no complaints from me. Inside atmosphere is bustling and cosy, it’s a great place to catch up with friends. Coffee and food were okay but nothing to write home about.

  • Drew Behrens

    Drew Behrens


    Fast service and great food. In a really trendy part of town, and even though there was a long queue, we only waited about 20 minutes. The home made lemonade is really good.

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