BICICLI Cycling Concept Store i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandBICICLI Cycling Concept Store



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2, Bertolt-Brecht-Platz, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 25763970
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5224048, Longitude: 13.3860767

kommentar 5

  • Alton Chong Zhi Cong

    Alton Chong Zhi Cong


    Thank you so much for helping to fix a small wiring issue with my Bicycle's lights - I really appreciate it and I love your dog Melody! Will definitely come here again for any bicycle related purchases.

  • Ciara Gillan

    Ciara Gillan


    Really disappointing experience with this shop. They claim a certain standard of expertise, which it isn't true. Also communication is not valued. Would not recommend.

  • Mauricio Lizarazo Prada

    Mauricio Lizarazo Prada


    Last week I visited Bicicli store and workshop in Berlin with a question about the transmission for my vintage bike. They gave me a great service, professional and detailed information answering my question. I was supposed to leave my bike for them to take a look at it at the workshop in order to gave the right quotation. A couple hours later I returned to pick-up my bike. To my great surprise, they gave the right-price quotation and efficiently solve and fix the transmission on my bike! I’m very happy and satisfied! Thank you!

  • Finn Hardy

    Finn Hardy


    Jenny is the best mechanic. She knows exactly what she is doing, and works incredibly fast. I dropped my bike off at 2pm for a tune up and it was ready by 5pm. She’s super friendly and a serious bicyclist herself. Very easy to talk to, and welcomes a walk in. The store itself is also fantastic, these people love bikes. If you’re looking for a premium experience with THE BEST urban bicycles this is the place to be. Seriously the quality of their products is unmatched. Whether you’re looking for a more casual ride, or something serious, the options are there. Overall a very personal experience with great customer service.

  • Velosoph Freising

    Velosoph Freising


    If my shop ever gets grown up, it should look like this one. It has so many levels of excitement: coffee, books, bikes, talks. If you're into bikes of any sort, you should visit

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