Bäcker Wiedemann i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandBäcker Wiedemann



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5, Karl-Liebknecht-Straße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 24358649
internet side: baecker-wiedemann.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5200419, Longitude: 13.4043059

kommentar 5

  • Natalia Ferber

    Natalia Ferber


    Customers service needs to be trained, I'm guessing if you open a shop you would like customers to come back, if your attendant barks to customers it won't happen. The coffee is mediocre at best, as the sandwiches, it is Berlin, good bread and good sandwiches is a city staple.

  • Hugo Martin

    Hugo Martin


    If you like eating next to birds and their poo, if you like buying food already eaten by birds and if you like beeing served by unfriendly workers, this place is made for you. Otherwise, don't.

  • Jan Simek

    Jan Simek


    Cosy little bakery that comes in hand to every hungry sightseer who goes from Museum Island. They have many kinds of bread to choose from: sweet, salty, hot paniny. You can sit and have a coffe and dessert too. Staff was nice, prices little higher, but the bakery is on expensive location. 4/5

  • A the R

    A the R


    They charge a higher price for food/drinks if you want to eat it in the case (cheaper to get it to-go". They don't accept credit card, ONLY CASH. The tables were dirty. There was a homeless man at a table laughing and taking to himself and all of the customers were clearly uncomfortable, but the attendants didn't try to tell him to leave. There are birds that fly into the shop frequently. TL;DR: There are many other cafes nearby, go to those instead.

  • Hugo Sanz Ortega

    Hugo Sanz Ortega


    The variety of products was very poor. Moreover, I think their prices were very high for the kind of food they offer (quite simple). Don't forget to revise the bill in detail... it's not strange you have to pay more than you have bought. The waitresses work quickly, but they committed some mistakes... On the other hand, the place was very dirty. Be careful with the floor, you might slip with tomato slices or cola rest. I couldn't understand why there were some birds inside the local and even where the food was exposed to the public. It's very disgusting. However, the worst thing was that the waitresses didn't know how to deal with tourists. They were very rude and impolite, specially when you don't realize that you don't have to take the drink from the fridge directly. If you open it, they shout you strong and ironically, one of them, says: hallo??? hallo??? It was the worst experience I had in Berlin. I would never recommend this store to eat and definitely, I won't come back.

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