AproPhysio - Massage & private Physiotherapie Berlin Mitte am Gendarmenmarkt i Berlin

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TysklandAproPhysio - Massage & private Physiotherapie Berlin Mitte am Gendarmenmarkt



🕗 åbningstider

17, Mohrenstraße, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 20629631
internet side: aprophysio.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.511974, Longitude: 13.389979

kommentar 5

  • Saar DM

    Saar DM


    Annemarie really helped me very well! It is clear that she knows what she is talking about. Not only do you get treatment, you get an explanation of your pain and your body.

  • Alexis Kivu

    Alexis Kivu


    Was treated here most times by Annemarie and sometimes by Alexandra and was always very satisfied. In my experience, everyone who works here is very competent. I was helped here for a wide variety of problems and you usually feel better after the treatment.

  • Julie Miron

    Julie Miron



  • Marion X

    Marion X


    I have been here for a year for massage. I drive extra from Spandau in the Friedrichstrasse, that means quite a lot. Is one of the few practices where I happily go out instead of having more pain than before.

  • Bastian Held

    Bastian Held


    I went to the practice due to strong tension and blockages and received an appointment the following day. The physiotherapist (Enno) started the treatment after a short anamnesis interview. In the meantime, he has explained all the steps and created a truly trusting atmosphere in which I felt very well. The treatment success was already noticeable the next day, and many of my problems were significantly improved. Also a short inquiry by mail was answered promptly (within one hour). I am more than satisfied and have already agreed follow-up appointments. If I could, I would also give 6 stars :). Keep up the good work. Best regards Bastian

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