Volksbank Göppingen eG, Head Office Göppingen w Göppingen

NiemcyVolksbank Göppingen eG, Head Office Göppingen



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4, Poststraße, 73033, Göppingen, Stuttgart, DE Germany
kontakt telefon: +49 7161 6200
strona internetowej: www.volksbank-goeppingen.de
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 48.7014729, Longitude: 9.6614103

komentarze 5

  • SoosSauer Kek

    SoosSauer Kek


    So I was absolutely not satisfied. I have never seen my bank advisor in person. There was also no conversation, nothing. Whenever I had a concern, it was never really answered and I always had to make a phone call afterwards. Something like that is really very weak and that's why I switched to another bank and am more than satisfied there

  • J R

    J R


    My children are customers there. There is the GIROyoung product on the website and it says “And if you want, you can even get your free credit card right on top!”. Below: "Free credit card ... you can find more information about Visa DirectCard here" If you click on it "Unlike a credit card, with your DirectCard every transaction is debited directly from your account." A bank should know the difference between a credit, charge and debit card, communicate clearly and not create confusion, especially among inexperienced young people. Just call the card a completely free Visa Debit DirectCard and a very small step towards more financial education for young people has been taken. And yes, it still matters whether you have a credit or debit card for the rental car or hotel abroad. The 4 stars are because my children's account management works overall and they are very satisfied.

  • Hannah Fetzer

    Hannah Fetzer


    First-class advice from Mr. Hinz. He explains even complicated things in a very understandable way and takes his time with you. You feel well looked after all around.

  • Gerhard Schöttke

    Gerhard Schöttke


    After being a loyal customer for around 30 years, I unfortunately had to leave Volksbank Göppingen. The Schwäbisch Hall building society, which is affiliated with the Volksbank, is trying to use all the devious tricks to avoid having to service contracts that were concluded with low target interest rates in the current rising interest rate environment. So I was only paid out the capital that I had saved over the years and had almost no interest. I was not granted the cheap target interest rate that was supposed to compensate for the disadvantage during the savings phase. I consider this to be fraud, but a legal dispute is not worth it. The Volksbank, my main bank, did not support me in any way, so my only option was to switch. Thanks for the answer, which I expected - if by "close exchange" and "comprehensively explained" you mean your succinct statement "we have no influence on Schwäbisch Hall's decision", then you are right.

  • Benjamin Gedik

    Benjamin Gedik


    We financed our house construction with Volksbank Göppingen. The kfW contract was also made through them. All of the staff we dealt with were super nice and competent. In our case it was Mr. Maier, a super nice person who is simply authentic. If he wasn't available, Ms. Mayer was usually there for us, which went just as smoothly (both are really normal people and not the staid bank employees you meet all too often). Calls were always answered and return calls really didn't take long. In our case, really top customer service. All in all really great, very professional, and highly recommended, we would do this again.

najbliższy Bank

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