MEDICLIN Kliniken Bad Wildungen w Bad Wildungen

NiemcyMEDICLIN Kliniken Bad Wildungen



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9, Ziergartenstraße, 34537, Bad Wildungen, Kassel, DE Germany
kontakt telefon: +49 5621 7960
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Latitude: 51.11055, Longitude: 9.07841

komentarze 5

  • Jana Jana

    Jana Jana


    I really don't know where to start, I'm totally speechless...just look at the pictures...I took a photo every week and the dirt still hasn't been removed after 3 weeks.. .I advise everyone not to go there. You can also see from the other reviews.

  • bfh1990



    I was there a total of 5 times. Three of them were in acute psychosomatics. My eyes were opened, I was understood and the true diagnosis came out there as to what was going on with me. And above all, I finally found friends there and the courage to get to know new people here at home. One way in a clinic is to take you to the water, as a patient you have to swim yourself and also work together, especially at home. Thank you all for what you did for me from 2017-2022, especially Ms. Möller as chief medical officer, the good soul and contact person for all questions about and during the stay. But also Ms. Berwanger, Ms. Weiss, Ms. Götte and Mr. Burgstaller as my psychologists during the 3 stays. Unfortunately, apart from Ms. Götte, you are no longer there...... and the sports therapists Mr. Meuser and Mr. Göbel, as well Mr. Raabe, who is already retired... I can only recommend this clinic to anyone who wants to relax and work on their problem, but it is not suitable for acute crises because there are longer waiting times of up to 5 weeks gives. However, this clinic works for the benefit of the patient, which is something you cannot expect from some other clinics, at least in our area. And if you are stable enough, you can go there with a clear conscience and continue to stabilize yourself. The minimum stay is 5 weeks, but many stay 7-9 weeks, depending on the type and severity of the illness My girlfriend is also feeling bad at the moment, hopefully she will be admitted there soon and can report as positive things as I did In this sense... 5 stars for a clinic in a quiet location and landscape....

  • DIRK Heimeshoff

    DIRK Heimeshoff


    The staff and doctors were very nice and competent. However, the clinic is very old and not nice. The carpets alone were very dirty in some of the rooms. The food is a disaster. It's tasty if you get what you ordered, but unfortunately the selection of side dishes isn't very large. The therapies were good.

  • Evelin Hasenkrug

    Evelin Hasenkrug


    I spent five weeks in psychosomatic rehab in September. I would like to describe my impressions here. I was well received, the therapists are all nice and I also felt like I was in good hands with my psychotherapist. The cleaning of the rooms was always good despite the lack of staff. The dining room should be mentioned negatively, the distribution of the food was not good, as there are no curtains or blinds on the sunny side and you were sitting in the sun in the warm temperatures. The sausage also quickly turned gray---- thank you. In addition, the construction site at the dining room needs to be cleaned up. A no-go for the psyche. There were also problems with the therapy plan. Many appointments were canceled without replacement due to therapist illness. I don't even want to talk about the doctors. Something has to change. Another positive thing to mention is that Bad Wildungen has a beautiful spa park in which I often and enjoyed taking my walks. The surrounding area is worth a trip.

  • Petra Kern

    Petra Kern


    I was in the orthopedic clinic from August 28th to September 18th, 2023 and was very well received there. The doctors were friendly and the nursing staff were very helpful. A big compliment to the therapists, they were great and helped me a lot. Thank you🫶👏👍 Room was okay, food good and service friendly👍 I could have stayed a few more weeks but unfortunately that wasn't possible🤷‍♀️😔I wish the entire clinic and the whole team a great time. Stay so friendly and helpful. The patients will thank you. With kind regards Petra Kern🫶🤗😘👋🙋‍♀️

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