Bothe w Langelsheim




🕗 godziny otwarcia

5, Die Meine, 38685, Langelsheim, DE Germany
kontakt telefon: +49 5326 4700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 51.91001, Longitude: 10.3204

komentarze 5

  • Sylvia Dammering

    Sylvia Dammering


    Very nice cafe, great staff and very good cake.

  • Inger Merete

    Inger Merete


    We got a cup of coffee and cake, friendly treatment sweet and smiling waitress, pity we had not booked room with them,

  • Peter Grebe

    Peter Grebe


    Nice atmosphere (for older people), nice service. Unfortunately only good food as prepackaged items are used. But at the price completely ok and still better than many more expensive competitors. Therefor a very good and large selection of cakes.

  • Jakob Küseler

    Jakob Küseler


    Been there a couple of times for lunch during MTB trips, very friendly staff

  • Dominic Bär

    Dominic Bär


    Definitely worth a visit. Especially when wanting to visit the Harz. The hotel rooms are great. That is in terms of size and looks. They offer a good high resolution Flatscreen and a big kitchen. There are also 2 bedrooms, each having 2 separate beds. A free breakfast is included and if you feel like it it's possible to eat dinner there as well; on your own expense. The rooms are clean and everyday it gets cleaned by a maid. It's not far from any of the important sightseeings and, when talking from the room I was in, the windows have a great sight. The bathroom is were the problems lie. The shower is very weird. The warmth of the water varies from warm to cold on its own. Doesn't matter what you chose. The toilet paper holder (?) is very sensitive. Meaning that it breaks apart just by looking at it. Last complaint would be that the towels stink really bad. Though that isn't that much of a big deal. All in all a pretty solid hotel. Would book again. 4/5

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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